Tuesday, September 18, 2007

#23-The beginning

I have enjoyed this experience and am learning alot. I intend to go beyond the 23 things as well as go back and spend time on some of the areas that most challenged me.
Hopefully I can use alot of what I've learned and apply it to my work in the grant center. I have so many ideas and thoughts on applying this to my work. Network days will be coming up very soon and Library 2.0 is going to be covered in a session. Looking forward with confidence to participating in that session.
There have been many exercises that I've really enjoyed and most have been quite challenging. At first, to be honest, I was very nervous, afraid of making a mistake or doing something stupid. Happily, I got over that and looked forward to trying new things. Also, I feel somewhat lacking in that my offerings are not as nice, as imaginative as some others. Everything I've done has been new to me so I have to let that go.
One added plus for me has been that I've acquired a digital camera. My son has a new one with all of the bells and whistles. He left this one at home for me right on the computer desk. It's been sitting here for a good year. I've started to use it. Wouldn't have, had it not been for this experience.
This goes hand in hand with my Flickr experience. I enjoyed the Flickr thing. Caught on to that a little easier than some other exercises.
I think I will really use the RSS feeds. There are several news websites that I like to look at and this is a real time saver.
The wiki thing is something that I really see myself using in my work life. Hopefully cooperating collection supervisors will be able to take advantage of this and share information.
I look forward to participating in any discovery programs the library would sponsor.

Friday, September 14, 2007

#22 E-Books

I established a NetLibrary account and accessed NetLibrary. The OverDrive titles were really interesting. I was especially interested in the Reference collection. It's nice to have another format to offer to patrons. I was also interested to see what I could borrow from YPL. I took a look at the library's Digital Books page. I like the fact that a patron won't have an overdue book. When it's due it is automatically returned for them. No fines, no damage. Of course the collection has alot of room to grow. I used to think I needed to have a book in hand to really enjoy the "reading" experience. Then I discovered books on CD and books on tape. I listen to them in the car. I listen to books on tape while I walk. I have not yet borrowed one of the books in our collection but I do want to try. One of the challenges to using this format is that there is usually someone waiting to use the family computer. I don't normally have a lot of time to be online.

#21 Podcasts, Smodcasts!

I started with the Yahoo: What is a podcast tutorial, looked at podcast.net, podcastalley.com and yahoo podcasts and found authorsontourlive.com. This is a really neat source. It enables you to listen to an author read chapters from their work. A new podcast is added weekly. I added the RSS feed to my Bloglines account for a podcast. Authorsontourlive reminds me of listening to a book on tape or CD read by the author. I will use this to determine if I want to read or listen to the whole book. Great concept.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

#20 You too can YouTube

Of course I've heard of YouTube but never had my own account or done anything with it. I had no problem selecting a video. My challenge was understanding how to embed clips into my own site. I chose the psa by George Lopez, promoting public libraries. I think videos such as those on YouTube could be a great tool-could promote author visits or a new branch in the system before it opens.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools


This is a really fun "cataloging tool". I haven't done any reviews for my books, which is something that a user can do. I'm using it to keep track of what I've read. A really nice feature is that it "tells me" what others who have made the same selections have also read. It's a great idea!
For the library, it would be a great reader's adviser tool.
This is a free tool. The user need only have a user name and password. No privacy issues involved.
Highly recommended!

#18: Web-based apps

Zoho Writer is fantastic. Again, I am so appreciative for this opportunity to learn. I will really be able to apply this to my life. I used Zoho's "publish" feature to list all of the things that I really like about Zoho. I didn't go into detail about the template feature and why I think it's so great. There are 50 templates for various "life situations". I certainly will point these out to my son...resume, cover letter-all the things that a young man ready to graduate from college and move on to real life will need to know about.


ZOHO Writer is a wonderful resource:cool


Tool bar buttoms are pretty similar.


Template library is fantasticlaughing


E-mail options are terrific:  word file, pdf document, html.  Very nice.


Will be so nice to use for my AFP membership files-won't need to download to disk or have my USB drive.


Anyone I wish to have access to my documents will be avail. as a public file-will be able to read as a web page.

#17: Playing around with PBWiki

I had an interesting experience with adding my blog to the favorite blogs page. When I posted it as directed, it did not link to my blog. It just had the info. I entered surrounded by brackets. I tried not putting brackets around my blog and it worked. It links. Will have to find out what went wrong.

#16: Wiki's

Wiki's are a great communication tool, great for sharing information. The drawback of attracting spammers can be controlled by requiring registration and having the user log on before making changes.
Two wiki's that I especially appreciate are the library success wiki. The best practices and great ideas resource for libraries just has unlimited benefits. I also find LISwiki, Library and Information Science wiki a nice tool for the library community. For me it was very helpful in getting a handle on how wiki's are useful.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

#15: On Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

I've read all of the perspectives on Library 2.0. The one that I most appreciated was, In a Temporary Place in Time. Dr. Schultz made some interesting points. Her thoughts on the evolution of technology were interesting ones.
As technology advances, the library becomes available to more people and in more ways. Serving patrons outside of the library building has become quite do able. The library has made electronic databases available to patrons where in the past it was avail. from print indexes available only in the library. The electronic databases are evolving all the time. Patrons have access to more databases with more and better information and the option of using them outside of the library. Having access to e-books. Amazing. Students all over Ohio can receive assistance with homework assignments through the know-it-now service. Genealogy patrons across the country have access to information so very quickly. The library website provides patrons with so much information. It's so interesting to see how one thing builds on another. I've only been with the library for 8 years-it's just amazing to me how much technology has evolved in that short span of time.

#14 Technorati

I "tried my hand" at Technorati. I found 3,467 blog posts using "learning 2.0". I found 196 blogs about "learning 2.0". Wondering what the difference would be, I entered a"library 2.0" search and found 6,038 blog posts and 225 blogs with "library 2.0".

Looking at some popular blogs, I was amazed to find several "making money online-tips". Does catch your eye. I also found internet duct tape quite interesting.

#13: Del.icio.us

I began this training by viewing the 12 minute tutorial. I had heard or seen the word but didn't know what it was. I also checked out us.ef.ul: A beginners guide to del.icio.us. While I was at it, I also went to the several habits of wildly successful del.icio.us users.

I created a del.icio.us account. Looked at library techtonics: tagging on flickr & del.icio.us.
At this point, I see this as an easy way to creat bookmarks and access them anywhere.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


By now you know that Ireland is my dream vacation spot. When I need a break from reality-this is where I'm at. Now that I know about Rollyo-I'm good to go.


#11-Library Thing

Another fun exercise. It's amazing to me what's out there-and I'm just finding out about it.


#10 Sally Simpson here

Monday, August 6, 2007

#9: library related blogs

I have added a few more of these blogs including squidoo's current NY Times bestsellers and also, Shifted Librarian. NPR news is one I added that I think I am going to really enjoy.
I try to keep up a little with my old life-thought the American Dietetic Association website might be able to help me. Since I have allowed my membership in that organization to lapse-it would require I maintain my registration inc. continuing ed. and dues for membership- could not do.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Thing 8- RSS & newsreader

Well, I did the tutorials- listened, watched and read all about RSS. I have a blogline account. I subscribed to about 20 feeds. Went back and limited myself to 12. Learning 2.0 blog feed and the PLCMC core competencey blog bring me up to 14. Until about a week ago, I didn't know what RSS was. This is great!

Trouble shooting!!!

I had the absolute worst time with this trading card. I attempted to upload my picture-and it wouldn't. Then, my password for flickr would not work. Talk about frustration!

A less frustrating, more enjoyable computer related experience for me today was the use of our new 4-in-1 functionality print, scan, copy and fax "machine". What a concept! I have to admit I've only used the printer and copy features. I do look forward to using the scan feature. Prior to this 2.0 experience, I don't think I would have had the interest.

Trading Card

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Flickr is fun!

This was a new and fun experience for me! I had seen my kids post pictures but I hadn't really given it any thought. In fact, I never thought I would be doing this. I've been playing around with flickr and now I understand why people spend so much time online. My son has recently given me his "old" digital camera and I have a fun, new toy with that, too.

Friday, July 13, 2007

I always say how mature Maura is... My daughter (top) with friends.
Maura and her young friend Alana.
My son Sean with his girlfriend Hailey. Notice how well stocked they are.
Sean and Hailey after a fraternity formal.

Monday, July 9, 2007

7 and 1/2 habits

I enjoyed the tutorial on 7 and 1/2 habits. The hardest one for me is to view problems as challenges. I can become easily frustrated. The easiest is to teach and mentor others. It is amazing to me how much I learn when I share that with others.

My first entry

This is my first post. I'm on vacation and it's too hot to do anything outside today. Thought it would be a great time to try this out.